Protein, water and more: 9 Ways to boost your metabolism and promote weight loss

Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions going on in your body that keep it alive and functioning properly. It is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy.

Certain proteins in your body control these chemical reactions. But don’t confuse metabolism with metabolic rate, which refers to the amount of calories that you burn. If you have a high metabolism, you burn more calories and experience faster weight loss.

Try the suggestions below if you want to boost your metabolism and lose weight naturally.

Drink water instead of sugary beverages

There’s no denying that sugary beverages are bad for your health. They contain little to no nutrients and they can make you gain weight. If you love soda, you will have to make the switch to plain water if you really want to lose weight.

According to Harvard Health, people who drink water instead of sugary beverages are more likely to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

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