How to Reorganize Your Home Before Your Partner Moves In

According to studies, you’re more likely to be engaged on Christmas than on Valentine’s Day. Still, on February 14th, you could get a different sort of proposal if you want to move in with your significant other. There’s a lot to think about if you’re going to move in with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Will you be relocating to your partner’s home, or will they be relocating to yours? Should you replace everything or merge what you already have? Is this, most critically, going to work? A good relationship takes place in a well-organized living area. Here’s how to do it!
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Obtain a Storage Unit Rental

Your sofa is a favorite of yours, and your significant other’s couch is a favorite of theirs, even though you only have one living room. Rent a storage facility instead of fighting about who has to get rid of their belongings. You may then mix and match your combined stuff in your shared house and store the remainder. This is also an excellent option for couples who share an apartment with just one closet.  When the two of you purchase a home together in the future, you’ll be allowed to remove the excess furniture out of your storage unit.

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Before You Move in, Make a List of Your Expectations

When it comes to roommates, we take great effort to establish ground rules, talk finances, and get a sense of each other’s routines. So, why do we skip the pre-move talk in love relationships? Make time to address logistics with your partner or girlfriend before you move in together. It may seem strange to do this with someone you know well, but it will only improve your cohabitation. Here are some points to consider:

Your joint budget for rent, utilities, new furniture, food, and everything else you’ll be spending money on as a couple.

Your timetables. You may believe you have a good understanding of your partner’s schedule, but you may be unaware of that 6 a.m. yoga class they like to attend or those monthly business meetings that go late.

Cleaning. Yes, it seems like you’re living with a roommate, but it’s critical to establish expectations here. Decide who enjoys doing which duties and how frequently you’ll both clean.

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Have Your Own Spaces

When it comes to organizing your shared house as a couple, it’s all about blending your life (and, more literally, your possessions), yet having your own space may be incredibly beneficial. No, we’re not talking about drawing a line down the middle of the room like you did when you were a child; we’re talking about something more logical. This may imply that one of you uses the bedroom closet while the other uses a dresser to store clothes. One of you may use the spare bedroom as a home office. It may even be as easy as labeling closet shelves. Whatever method you choose, the result should be that you and your partner have distinct places that you may arrange as needed.

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