5 Smoothie Mistakes that Make You Gain Weight

20191122_5dd7857979483 5 Smoothie Mistakes that Make You Gain Weight

Avoid these Ingredients and Avoid the Extra Pounds

I don’t know about you but I feel like smoothies are a thing you can always count on especially when I’m feeling hangry or am heading out for a bite and just need something to tide me over. To add to that getting all the nutrients packed in without the calories of a large meal is a killer bonus.

Making your own smoothies at home is definitely a smart move especially since you know every exact thing that’s going into them. But sometimes we all make minor mistakes in what we put in them thinking we’re boosting the healthy factor. This unfortunately can lead to frustrating weight gain and is surprisingly more common than we all think!

So getting it right from the start is such a key piece to the calories you’re consuming. Let’s take a look at 5 of the biggest smoothie mistakes that may be packing on the unwanted pounds.

5 Most Fattening Smoothie Mistakes

Mistake #1: You’re Using Fruit Juice

Okay, a small amount of fruit juice is okay from time to time, but it doesn’t take much to overdo it. And in the end, all you’re adding is a bunch of empty calories and a lot of sugar (natural, but still sugar). My tip is to take the fruit juice out of your smoothie altogether, and get your sweetener from real whole fruit instead. If you find most fruit is not sweet enough, a banana is your best bet, but…

Mistake #2: You’re Overdoing the Fruit

Sadly, you might also be adding to much fruit to your smoothies. This may not be as much of a concern as the juice, but make sure you’re not making smoothies that are 100% from fruit. The sugar problem’s going to rear its head here too. To avoid this problem, make sure you include a main protein source like Optimum 100% Natural Oats & Whey and other ingredients rich in protein and fiber. Nut butters, nuts, yogurt, and veggies are other good options, and they’ll boost your metabolism.

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