I’m knee deep, no chin deep, in a new design for my site! Super excited to be doing all of it myself, from the logo to customizing a new theme, but it’s loads of work. So I was going to take this week off of a new recipe post. BUT, because I love you, and because I finally made these vegan sausage crumbles again and nailed the flavor I was looking for, I decided to photograph and post. And by photograph, I mean try and snap a few good quality images before the baby eats one of my backboards…well, he only nibbled on one corner so I consider this session a success! And this recipe success number two, because these are the perfect add on to keep around and give your recipes that extra oomph!


I’ve always loved the sharp bite of sausage flavor. That salty, spicy, zing in your mouth flavor is just so addicting. Thankfully, I am not a huge fan of clogged arteries, saturated fat and eating pigs so that’s why I created these vegan sausage crumbles! No, these are not a fake meat. They won’t “fool” your sausage loving neighbor/friend/family member. BUT, they will add that sausage like flavor when sprinkled on pizzas, salads, soups…wherever you want a little pizzaz. Keep in mind, these are not meant to be eaten alone, but work best sprinkled on things because they are very flavorful. But that’s exactly what we wanted! And they are made with an awesome high protein whole food based ingredient, chickpeas! Sneaky little suckers these chickpeas. I saw a quote from a reader online once “Why are these vegans SO obsessed with chickpeas?!” We’ll, it’s because you can turn them into ANYTHING!!! Like this, vegan sausage crumbles.


I know you’re looking in that pantry and praying you have some chickpeas laying around. If the answer is yes, get to cookin’! If the answer is no, get yourself to the store! I suggest making a big batch because you will sprinkle them on anything and everything. Sometimes I just eat these vegan sausage crumbles like popcorn. And that’s okay too! Make sure to let me know how you used them! Leave me a comment here, find me on Facebook or tag me on Instagram with your creations at veggiesdontbite #veggiesdontbite so I don’t miss them! I can’t wait to see! Oh and PS, I may be working on a dessert with chickpeas. WHA?! I know, I know. Never been a fan of bean based desserts. BUT, I think I’ve finally nailed a recipe that will change any bean dessert haters mind!

  • • 2 cans chickpeas
  • • 2 tablespoons fennel seeds
  • • 1 tablespoon dried basil
  • • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • • 1 tablespoon dried thyme
  • • 1 teaspoon lemon pepper
  • • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • • 1-2 teaspoons Himalayan pink salt (see note)
  • • 1-2 teaspoons crushed red pepper (optional)
  • • 1 tablespoon oat flour (use gluten free for gluten free version)
  1. Rinse and dry chickpeas very well. Put them in a kitchen towel and rub dry. Try and remove as many of the outer thin skins as possible, rolling them around with your hand on the towel helps. Don’t worry about getting them all, just as many as you can easily remove. Place dried chickpeas in a bowl.
  2. Add all the spices to the bowl, everything except the flour.
  3. Using a potato masher, or your hands, begin to crush chickpeas and break them into small pieces. The more skins that were removed, the easier this will be. You don’t want them mashed, just crumbled.
  4. Add oat flour to the bowl and using your hands combine well to coat the crumbles. This will help separate the crumbles as well.
  5. Spread onto a parchment lined cookie sheet in an even layer. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes, until outside is just beginning to get crispy.
  6. Sprinkle over everything and anything!
Depending on what you use this on will depend on how salty you want it. If you use it as a topping, and there is no other salt in the food, then use 2 teaspoons. If you are using it on food with some salt then only use 1 teaspoon. Also, these are very flavorful and not meant to be eaten alone as a meat substitute. They work best sprinkled on things for that added sausage like flavor. We love it sprinkled on our pizza sauce, then put the veggies on top. They are best fresh, but if stored in the fridge give them a little pick me up and warm them up a bit. Unless you are baking a pizza with them, then they will warm up while baking.

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