A guide to lose weight and get back your shape after Pregnancy

From the stage the baby weight starts to build up on the body, the thinking begins on how to lose the pounds soon after the arrival of the baby. As the baby is born, your days slowly begin to gain back the routine, so now the time has arrived to put the ideas to action. If you are not confident how exactly you are going to begin, here are some steps that will bring you back to your normal shape.

20191108_5dc530eeea47f A guide to lose weight and get back your shape after Pregnancy

  1. Get up and move

Most of the new moms are too addicted to sleep to even think about workout. Don’t worry as its perfectly OK, said by physiologist and post pregnancy fitness expert. Most of the women’s bodies were not at all ready for some serious exercises until they completed th time period of six weeks after delivery. This timing can be longer if you had a C-section. Many people go for Reshape Ready: gastric balloon weight lossin order to gain back the shape.

You can start walking around. If you feel good and you doesn’t get any exacerbate bleeding, try walking a little more distance the next day. Do this until you reach your six-week completion. Soon after that you should be able togo for 20 to 30 minutes of cardio exercises 3 to 5 times a week.

No need  to leave even your neighborhood: As per the Surgeon General pushing the stroller to 1-2 miles in around 30 minutes burns about 150 calories which si equal to walking up and down the stairs for around 15 minutes. Weight loss balloon  is also good when you want effort less weight loss.

If you need some more ideas on this? Go for a quick workout with your baby, or you can even try some ab exercises. And if you are looking to have better sex, you can go for Kegels.

  1. Breastfeed

Some womens don’t but when you are breastfeeding, you need to have an extra 500 calories every day, or around 2,700 calories in total. Breastfeeding burns around 600 to 800 calories per day, even if you just sit and breastfeed the baby the whole day, you will lose a good amount of weight. And this it will help you in reshaping.

Some womens are lucky and thus they get succeed in losing the fat and some lose just by breastfeeding or through breastfeeding alone. But you must be aware that as you stop with breastfeeding, or as you start feeding your baby’s with solids, you calorie intake will boom up the calories that you are taking regularly.

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