Amazing Asian Diet – Lose 3 kg In Only 10 Days! – Nature Health And Beauty

In general, most of the Asian women have the perfect body figure without cellulite. This is due to their healthy diet, free from refined sugars and saturated fats. Furthermore, Asian philosophy of nutrition involves separating food in several smaller plates or bowls which are never full to the top.

This Asian diet was created by Dr. Colin Campbell who wrote “The China Study” in which he turned the Asian way of nutrition into a diet plan.

20191118_5dd223fa9f7c7 Amazing Asian Diet – Lose 3 kg In Only 10 Days! – Nature Health And Beauty

It is commonly known that the main ingredient in Asian diet is rice in combination with meat, fruits and vegetables. They sometimes replace rice with corn, integral bread or with noodles made with integral flour.

It is recommended that you consume plenty of spinach, garlic, onions, carrots, Swiss chard on daily basis. You can eat them fresh, boiled or spiced up with oil and vinegar. Also, you can include nuts, fresh cheese, soy and yogurt in your daily diet.

Once in a week, you can eat poultry meat, eggs and candies. However, it is recommended that you replace sweets with fresh fruits, honey and walnuts, or dark chocolate with 75% of cocoa.

Once in a month, you are allowed to eat red meat such as veal, beef and rarely pork. Eat in moderation.

You can change this diet plan, but you have to be careful about the caloric value of your meals.

According to Dr. Colin Campbell, you will lose 3 kilograms in only 10 days with this Asian diet.

Menu for the Asian Diet


Cooked millet in skimmed milk and a cup of unsweetened green tea with lemon.


Consume an orange or a grapefruit and green tea, and chopped fruit in low-caloric yogurt.


Integral rice combined with cooked vegetables and tomato sauce. Another option is chicken and baked potato spiced up with lemon and vinegar.


A cup of chamomile tea, green tea or skimmed milk. Those who cannot satisfy hunger should consume one more orange or grapefruit.


Chicken in chopped in tiny cubes combined with broccoli or another green vegetable. The chicken can be prepared on a little bit of oil and spice it up with seasonal mix and lemon.

Dinner Number 2:

People who go to bed late should have a cup of milk or tea.

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