slim cessna’s auto club

A few nice slim images I found:

slim cessna’s auto club
20191205_5de8bd9d8050b slim cessna’s auto club
Image by postbear
slim cessna’s auto club in concert in toronto at lee’s palace, monday 20 july, 2009. i left the nikon at home and took my crappy little point-and-shoot, regretfully, but i had a quick chat with a sensible photographer there and when he publishes his shots in a couple of weeks i’ll add a link to them here.

a great band, and if you don’t know them, go have a look and a listen sometime. here’s a link to their website, and one of many tracks available on youtube, hold on (from their self-titled album, available through their site or alternative tentacles).

in ottawa? they’re playing at babylon tuesday, 21 july. go see them, buy some cds and don’t worry, they’ll be there (last time they were due to play ottawa, they got stopped at the border by some dick in a uniform – we drove from toronto to see them and only found out about the cancellation at the club). last show they did in toronto was 2003 or 2004 at the horseshoe, so we were glad to get to see them again.

apologies to the band for not getting shots of everyone.

slim cessna’s auto club
20191205_5de8bd9d903de slim cessna’s auto club
Image by postbear
slim cessna’s auto club in concert in toronto at lee’s palace, monday 20 july, 2009. i left the nikon at home and took my crappy little point-and-shoot, regretfully, but i had a quick chat with a sensible photographer there and when he publishes his shots in a couple of weeks i’ll add a link to them here.

a great band, and if you don’t know them, go have a look and a listen sometime. here’s a link to their website, and one of many tracks available on youtube, hold on (from their self-titled album, available through their site or alternative tentacles).

in ottawa? they’re playing at babylon tuesday, 21 july. go see them, buy some cds and don’t worry, they’ll be there (last time they were due to play ottawa, they got stopped at the border by some dick in a uniform – we drove from toronto to see them and only found out about the cancellation at the club). last show they did in toronto was 2003 or 2004 at the horseshoe, so we were glad to get to see them again.

apologies to the band for not getting shots of everyone.

slim cessna’s auto club
20191205_5de8bd9d9f16f slim cessna’s auto club
Image by postbear
slim cessna’s auto club in concert in toronto at lee’s palace, monday 20 july, 2009. i left the nikon at home and took my crappy little point-and-shoot, regretfully, but i had a quick chat with a sensible photographer there and when he publishes his shots in a couple of weeks i’ll add a link to them here.

a great band, and if you don’t know them, go have a look and a listen sometime. here’s a link to their website, and one of many tracks available on youtube, hold on (from their self-titled album, available through their site or alternative tentacles).

in ottawa? they’re playing at babylon tuesday, 21 july. go see them, buy some cds and don’t worry, they’ll be there (last time they were due to play ottawa, they got stopped at the border by some dick in a uniform – we drove from toronto to see them and only found out about the cancellation at the club). last show they did in toronto was 2003 or 2004 at the horseshoe, so we were glad to get to see them again.

apologies to the band for not getting shots of everyone.

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