Does Snoring Have Any Health Risks?

For a long time, people have categorized snoring as simply a minor health condition that will go away on its own. However, modern research has declared that snoring is not only irritation to the ears and to peaceful sleep but an indication of a number of complaints in your body. People who are overweight, who are regular smokers or have high cholesterol are prone to snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is defined as a sleep disorder occurring due to the collapse of the airway in the throat during sleep. Particularly posing a threat to men’s health, it’s time to get yourself checked by a doctor for the following.

  1. Cardiovascular disease

Sleep apnea is related to cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease which eventually lead to heart attacks. The intensity of snoring could also be a cause of carotid atherosclerosis, narrowing of the veins in the neck – leading to a stroke. Studies have shown that Continuous Positive Airway Pressure reduces heart disease down to that people who don’t suffer from sleep apnea. Snoring can also lead to an increase in heart size, putting you at risk of heart attacks and strokes.

  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

GERD is very common in those suffering from sleep apnea because of the disordered way in which their throat when air passes in and out during sleep. This can cause pressure changes in the throat, causes the acidic contents of your stomach to move up to esophagus. This phenomenon is more to overweight people, and the condition gradually improves as the patient returns to a normal weight.

  1. Arrhythmias

Arrhythmias means an ‘irregular heartbeat’ in everyday language. People who snore are at risk of having cardiac arrhythmias or atrial fibrillation. Disorders in tour heartbeat could be because sleep apnea affects the conduct of the heart, while other research suggests that it enlarges the left atrium of the heart over a period of time.

  1. Low oxygen levels in blood

Snoring can also mean serious breathing problem, and breathing is an essential part of your system. When you’re not breathing properly, your body does not receive the required amount of oxygen that can constrict blood vessels in your lungs, leading to pulmonary hypertension if left untreated over time.

  1. Sleep disorders

Sleep apnea causes immense disturbances in sleep and waking up frequently at night is one of them. This can be due to a number of reasons – repeated interruptions in breathing, disruption in your sleeping cycles due to lack of oxygen and light sleeping as an attempt to keep throat muscles tense to maintain a normal air flow.

  1. Chronic headaches

Snorers are also reported to have frequent and chronic headaches, due to altered levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

Therefore, chronic snoring not only damages your respiratory and cardiovascular system but also results in poor quality sleep and poor work performance. If you sense chronic snoring in your sleep or if your loved one complains of sleepless nights, it would be better to treat the problem once and for all with the help of proper medicines and exercise.

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