Simple Bathroom Hacks for the Most Important Room in the House

Most people are used to thinking of their bathrooms in terms of function rather than fashion. But the two can happily coexist! Take a look at those simple hacks to upscale your bathroom in every possible way.

Use Essential Oils

Let’s face it, bathrooms can be quite nasty-smelling. Most people use air-freshening sprays when they need to… clear the air, which is a momentary solution. If you want longer-lasting results, use essential oils.

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Simply drip some of your favorite essential oil on the inside of the toilet paper roll. This way, whenever someone dispenses some paper, the oil will freshen things right up!

Peg Down Your Toothbrush

Bathroom surfaces are where bacterias have their best parties. It would be wise not to leave your things on the counter, specifically your toothbrush. You don’t want that item to get infected with some unwanted bacteria.

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What you need to do is simple. Stick a clothespeg on the wall or your mirror and clip your toothbrush in there. This will keep your toothbrush in place and off the counter.

Wrap an Elastic Band Around a Soap Dispenser

This rubber band is a great way to watch your soap usage. It’s also another way for you to be less wasteful. Just tightly wrap a rubber band around the top of your soap dispenser pump so you don’t squeeze it all away.

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This is also a good way to save some good money because your product would last longer.

Conserve Water by Doing This to Your Toilet

Saving water is definitely a priority. Being environmentally conscious can also help you save money as an added bonus. Quicker showers are a good place to start but there is also something you can do to your toilet to that end.

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We aren’t talking about flushing less, which is gross, all you have to do is stick some bricks in the back of your toilet tank. This way, when you flush, the tank will have less space to fill up with water.

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