Peach Fritters

20191111_5dc8f8fe38c58 Peach Fritters

Makes 12 large doughnuts


  • 1recipe Yeast Doughnuts (
  • 3large peaches, diced (I don’t peel them, but you can)
  • Oil, as needed for frying
Honey-Cinnamon Icing

  • 1cup powdered sugar
  • 3tablespoons wildflower honey
  • 1/2teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2-3tablespoons milk or cream
  1. While the oil heats, roll out the doughnut dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick. Size/precision of the rectangle isn’t important—just focus on an even thickness for the dough.
  2. Use a knife, pastry scraper, or bench knife to cut the dough into long vertical strips about 1/2 inch wide. No need to be precise—just eyeball it!
  3. Next, cut the strips horizontally about 1/2 inch wide—this should make a whole bunch of 1/2 inch squares. Again, no need to be precise!
  4. Divide the dough squares into 12 even portions.
  5. To shape each doughnut, take about 2/3 of one portion of dough squares and smoosh them gently together. Place about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of diced peaches on top of the dough.
  6. Top with the remaining 1/3 of the portion of dough squares and smoosh the dough gently to adhere to the peaches and other dough. It’s best for each piece of peach to be touching dough in two places (on top and on bottom), otherwise some may fall out when you go to fry them.
  7. Cover the doughnuts with greased plastic wrap and let them rise for 20 to 30 minutes.
  8. While the doughnuts rise, heat 3 to 4 inches of oil over medium high heat until it reads around 350°F on a thermometer (or throw a scrap piece of dough in as a tester—if the dough bubbles and rises to the surface, the oil is good to go).
  9. Working in batches, gently drop the doughnuts into the oil, frying until they’re golden brown on both sides, 2-3 minutes per side. Sometimes I use a spider or slotted spoon to support the fritter for the first 15-30 seconds, until the dough sets.
  10. Drain the doughnuts on several layers of absorbent paper towels. Let cool for 5-10 minutes.
  11. In a small bowl, whisk the powdered sugar, honey, cinnamon, and milk or cream to combine. Add more milk or cream as needed to make drizzly glaze.
  12. Drizzle each doughnut into the glaze, and serve immediately.

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