This Pasta Cooking Hack Might Make Your Spaghetti Taste Better

20220303_62209214374f2 This Pasta Cooking Hack Might Make Your Spaghetti Taste Better

There’s nothing like an easy, weeknight dinner of spaghetti. If you feel like your recipe is never quite right, it could be the way you’re cooking the pasta.

According to America’s Test Kitchen, cooking your noodles in the sauce is the way to ensure you get as much flavor as possible.

The idea is to create your own tomato sauce at the same time as you’re cooking the noodles. To get started, you’ll create the sauce’s base using sauteed onions, garlic, olive oil, and salt. Then, you’ll add in a can of crushed tomato and a hint of sugar. You’ll let the sauce simmer for a bit on medium-low heat.

Now, it’s time for the pasta. Add your spaghetti (or any other sort of noodle) to the tomato base as well as three cups of water. Next, heat the water and sauce mixture to medium-high heat and cook the noodles for 16-18 minutes. The noodles will absorb the water and leave behind the sauce.

Add some parmesan cheese, a little basil, and you’ve got a perfect plate of pasta with some added flavor in the noodles.

Of course, this isn’t the only hack you can use on your spaghetti. You might want to consider adding in this tangy ingredient for an extra boost of flavor, and you can also try toasting your noodles. 

[Via America’s Test Kitchen]

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