How to Win the War Against Stains

Old school moms have the superpower of getting rid of every possible stain. But as it turns out, you don’t have to be a seasoned mother of four to learn how to keep your clothes stain-free. Here are the things you should and shouldn’t do to show those stains who’s the real boss here.

Know your stains

Not all stains were made equal, and different substances call for different measures. Oil, for example, can be removed using warm water and surfactants. Bloodstains, on the other hand, need nothing more than cold water. Grass stains, pet stains, and other organic stains would require an enzymatic stain remover.

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Arm yourself with different types of stain removers

Sure, you can run off to ask Google about the best way to clean whatever it is you spilled on your favorite cardigan. But you still want to have the products you’ll need at hand. Start with these three basic options: an enzyme cleaner that would break down protein stains (blood, grass, chocolate, etc.), a cleaner with surfactants (like the ones found in regular dish soap) that would kill greasy or oily stains, and an oxidizing cleaner that would help out with deep-color-stains (coffee, red wine, etc.).

Act quick

When it comes to treating any kind of stain, the results are a lot better and more apparent when you attend to it right away. If you don’t have your trusty team of stain removers with you at the moment, dabbing a paper towel with room-temperature water on the stain would help. Make sure you dab and not scrub, because scrubbing will only make it worse. If you can, soak the whole garment in a tub of cool water so the stain doesn’t set.

Don’t dry before the stain is gone

The washing machine is done but the darn stain isn’t fully out? Don’t put it in the dryer because the heat will set the stain into the fabric. Instead, take the still-wet garment, repeat the stain treatment, and wash it again.

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