Jessie Keys’ Date Bran Muffins

20191108_5dc52bf8563a1 Jessie Keys’ Date Bran Muffins

Author Notes: My husband and his siblings are fond of sharing the many stories about “Aunt Jessie,” a close friend of the family. Although Jessie never had children of her (…more) —Windischgirl

Makes 14 to 18

  • 2eggs
  • 1/4teaspoon salt
  • 1cup brown sugar, lightly packed
  • 1/2cup corn oil or other neutral oil
  • 1teaspoon vanilla
  • 1cup oat bran (Jessie specified Quaker “cooking bran”)
  • 1cup all-purpose flour
  • 2tablespoons wheat germ
  • 1teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 to 1cups pitted dates
  • 1cup buttermilk
  1. Heat the oven to 425° F. In a large bowl, mix the eggs, salt, sugar, oil, and vanilla.
  2. In a second bowl mix the bran, flour, wheat germ, and baking soda.
  3. Prepare the dates by cutting them into bite-size pieces. If they are hard, cover them with simmering water, let soak for 20 to 30 minutes, and drain well. Cut when cool. Add to the flour mixture and toss to coat.
  4. Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture, alternating with the buttermilk. Blend together being careful not to over-mix. The batter will be runny.
  5. Jessie would lightly grease her muffin tin with margarine and then line with paper muffin cups. I used paper liners lightly greased with cooking spray. Fill about 3/4 full; for my tin, this was about 1/4 cup of batter, and I used a ladle to fill the cups. Bake 15 to 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

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