The Better Half: The Wives and Girlfriends of Your Favorite Wrestlers

The big, mean tough guys you see on the screen when you tune into your favorite ring might be big and muscular, but they’re also actors playing a persona. When they’re not on-screen they are actually people with real lives and real families. These knockout fighters are often happily married or in committed relationships – often with knockouts of a different type.
20200914_5f5f271988ed2 The Better Half: The Wives and Girlfriends of Your Favorite Wrestlers
Here’s a list of some of the wives and girlfriends of your favorite heels, faces, and superstar wrestlers, including some who have spent time in the ring themselves…

CM Punk & AJ Lee

We’ve seen plenty of times when life imitates art, thanks to the acting skills of wrestling. This time, it’s three-time Divas champ AJ Lee and real-life husband CM Punk – real names April Mendez and Phil Brooks respectively – who mingled in real life after beginning an in-ring relationship in 2011.

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At first, AJ was hooking up with CM Punk’s on-screen rival, Daniel Bryan, before the writing had her give him the cold shoulder. It ended up being a pretty good decision since the two wrestlers have been married since 2014. Isn’t that just adorable?

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