The Fight to Enlight is the perfect book to lift people up in uncertain times

It’s hard to be optimistic with everything that is going on in the world today, so anything that can give us hope in the face of adversity is pretty welcome right now. A new book about a man’s journey to self-acceptance, The Fight to Enlight: Initiation Through the Heart is the Only Way to Win, is the perfect antidote to all the hurt and confusion so many people are feeling these days.

The book talks about the trying experiences of the author, Seth Leaf Pruzansky, before turning into a beautiful exploration of how we can find strength and peace no matter how hard the road that brought us here has been.

He begins by describing how he has felt sensitive and in tune with the planet since childhood. He recalls growing up in a mountain home with hippie parents in Canaan, Maine, listening to the sounds of nature surrounding him and eagerly taking it all in.

When his family moved to the suburbs while he was in grade school, he felt like a fish out of water and had trouble fitting in. After telling his class about his Russian Jewish heritage, he was bullied relentlessly and physically abused by his classmates, leading him to drop out of school.

Low self-esteem drove him to use marijuana, and he became addicted to the feelings of peace and mental escape that it brought him. That set the stage for a years-long battle with drug abuse and countless other problems.

His journey has not been easy. Pruzansky has been through a lot, and that’s putting it mildly: physical illness, drug addiction, car accidents, financial ruin, severe bullying and a three-year prison stint on a non-violent marijuana charge, to name just a few. Instead of being broken by his experiences, however, he has learned how to heal and developed a unique perspective on how to help others feel more optimistic about their own situations and the world at large.

Seth has an important message for humanity, and his book has been well received so far. It is written in an engaging and very accessible tone, and many readers who reviewed it have remarked on how inspiring it was, with one calling it “soul food.”

The secrets to healing and thriving

What makes the book powerful is the fact that it comes from real experiences. It’s easy to recite platitudes or share statistics, but this book conveys the wisdom gleaned by someone who has overcome a slew of unpleasant experiences and has a gift for channeling them into healing and thriving.

His website, I’m Awake, Now What?, is “devoted to globally awakening people to the power residing in their own consciousness.” He talks about topics like meditation, recovery, super consciousness, and self-development. In addition, Seth helps people heal from addictions, trauma and depression. He says he believes that anyone can thrive when they understand how to come to terms with their inner self.

This is a theme that is explored in depth in the book, where he explains how people can overcome challenges by discovering the strength within them and compassion for the world at large.

Speaking about the book, Seth writes on his website: “You will laugh, cry, sweat, dance and feel things you didn’t know that you were even capable of feeling, but in the end, you will know peace of mind, heart and soul.”

It couldn’t come at a better time, with so many people around the world right now struggling in the face of a global pandemic and lots of uncertainty about the future.

The Fight to Enlight: Initiation Through the Heart is the Only Way to Win is available through Amazon.

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