For All the Cat Lovers With a Few Extra Dimes    

We are constantly inundated online with pictures, videos, and memes of people’s cats. Every time you open Facebook or Instagram, there is a new Grumpy Cat or long-haired cat with stunning eyes or munchkin cat with tiny legs….the list goes on and on. There is a huge number of different kinds of domesticated house cats, but we’d like to talk to you about a specific one, the Bengal Cat. It is a hybrid breed created from the spotted Egyptian Mau and the Asian Leopard Cat. Because of this, it has the most beautiful, leopard-looking print.
20220704_62c28910e259e For All the Cat Lovers With a Few Extra Dimes    

Now, you may be asking, other than the leopard-like print, which gives it its wild, exotic look, what makes this cat so special? Well, this cat is extremely energetic and playful, but most importantly, it’s brilliant. They often can be played with like a dog, for example, fetch is a trendy game amongst this breed. The most interesting quality of the Bengal, however, is its love of water! Yeah, you read that right; they like water! Because of this, the Bengal cat can actually be quite a great hiking partner! This phenomenon can actually be seen on some of the more popular Bengal cat Instagram accounts, for example, @sukiicat and @bengalthor. We highly recommend getting some kitty exploration inspiration from these absolutely stunning shots of the cats in nature.

Because these kitties are highly intelligent and highly active, their care requires quite a bit of stimulation. Interactive toys and even shelves or some kind of climbing structure are recommended. Because of this, the ability to take them on hikes is a huge plus. It gives them the physical and mental stimulation they need. Training the cat will also help to meet their intellectual needs, a task somewhat tricky for regular house cats.

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All of this is fine and dandy, but here’s the kicker. Unless you happen to get SUPER lucky and find a Bengal cat at a shelter, something we would be amazed to see happen, these cats can cost quite a bit. Depending on the kitten’s traits and the level of care that went into raising the kitten, these cats can cost between $1,500-$3,000. So we ask you, would you get a Bengal cat?

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