When in doubt make guacamole. With only a few whole ingredients you can whip together the most delicious guac recipe on the planet!

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The last time I was in Milwaukee I got together with one of my favorites —> Erin from Well Plated to do a little recipe collaboration. Since we both constantly snack all day long we decided to share a few of our signature dip recipes. Dips are the perfect thing to bring to a party or to just have on hand at all times because heaven for bid my stomach starts growling. I always joke around that I’m constantly eating for the sake of hunger prevention. Feeling hungry is THE WORST FEELING, so if I have little snacks throughout he day I can prevent that from ever happening.

It’s been fun to be back in Milwaukee more often. My hometown in the burbs hasn’t changed that much, but it’s been awesome to explore the evolving downtown as an adult. I lived in the MKE area from 3rd grade to 12th grade and we pretty much stayed out in the burbs and didn’t venture downtown unless we were going to Summerfest. The Milwaukee waterfront is beautiful and I love the foodie scene. The Public Market is my jam and I’ve been able to find some great coffee shops as well!

Check out what my Milwaukee girl Erin made…Edamame Avocado Hummus. I tried this stuff first hand an hubba hubba.

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So it’s interesting that I am posting this guac recipe just 2 days after returning home from Mexico. I know I haven’t posted my recap post yet on my Mexico trip, but the first part of the trip was in partner with Avocados from Mexico Canada (thanks Vids) and can I just say that WE ATE A LOT OF GUAC.

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My signature guac recipe that I make every single week only requires a few simple ingredients. The funny part is…there’s one ingredient in my recipe that the locals in Mexico were actually appalled that I use. Can you guess?

  • avocado
  • cilantro
  • garlic
  • lime
  • sea salt
  • red onion


Speaking of being appalled…Lin, Davida, and I were appalled that they DON’T use garlic! Their rational to us was that it takes away from the fresh avocado taste (they get theirs right of the trees, so I get it).

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The one thing that I did really like about their guac situation was that they always serve it with toastada rounds. Basically they’re like GIANT chips.


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  • 3 ripe avocados, medium
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced (~1.5 tablespoons)
  • ½ large red onion, finely diced
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro, freshly chopped
  • optional: 1 large jalapeno, finely diced
  1. Remove the flesh of the avocados and place in a medium size bowl. Use a fork to mash until smooth. Then, add in minced garlic, finely diced onion, lime juice, sea salt, and cilantro, and mix until combined.

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