Caramelized Rice Krispies

20191111_5dc8fac843dc0 Caramelized Rice Krispies

Author Notes: I wouldn’t dare call into question the greatness of the Rice Krispies Treat (I’m not trying to get panned in the comments section). But sometimes—do I venture (…more) —Sarah Jampel

Makes about 1 quart

  • 1/2cup (100 grams) sugar
  • 3tablespoons water
  • 2cups (53 grams) Rice Krispies or Cocoa Krispies
  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a Silicone mat. Have an offset spatula, a pastry brush, a bowl of cold water, and a heatproof spatula or wooden spoon at the ready.
  2. Sprinkle the sugar over the bottom or a (preferably nonstick) saucepan or a wide skillet—you want enough room to stir comfortably Moisten the sugar with the 3 tablespoons of water. Turn the heat to medium-high and bring the sugar to a boil, washing down any splatters on the side of the pan with the pastry brush dipped in cold water.
  3. When you notice the sugar turning color, remove the pan from the heat and immediately add the Rice Krispies.
  4. Using a heatproof spatula or wooden spoon, stir until the syrup disappears and you see cakey white streaks on the bottom of the pan. The cereal will also look cakey and white.
  5. Return the pan to medium heat and stir carefully, without stopping, for about 3 minutes, until each grain of cereal is covered with caramel. The sugar make smoke, but it’s fine—continue until you have a nice, deep caramel color.
  6. Scrape the cereal onto a lined baking sheet. Use the offset spatula to immediately spread the mixture into a single layer. Work quickly—the candy hardens almost instantly. Don’t worry if you have a few clumps or some pieces break off.
  7. To clean the caramel-covered pan, fill it with water and bring it a boil. The heat will resoften the caramel and make clean-up easy.
  8. As for storing, humidity will make the cereal sticky. You can wrap the leftovers loosely in parchment and keep in the fridge for 1 or 2 days. I transferred the leftovers to quart container and kept in the freezer for several weeks.

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