Slim & Happy: 12 Week Weight Loss Program

20191122_5dd78578d4cb0 Slim & Happy: 12 Week Weight Loss Program

Living The Dream

If you want to lose serious weight, you have to overcome all the clutter from the media and leave the past in the past.

It’s time to nip it in the bud and check out this tried & tested 12 week weight loss program to bring you closer to your dreams of a toned body and a slim waist line, all while making you healthier and happier.

Serious weight loss results require a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise. In this program, I’ll outline exactly what you need to do to accomplish both in the right way – and see amazing results in just 12 weeks. What’s especially great about this program is that you can continue adopting it after that period and you’ll continue seeing results!

12 Week Weight Loss Program – Nutrition

The first thing you need to think about is your diet, and you need to make sure you’re not setting yourself up for failure from the beginning. I want you to start by doing my Master Cleanse – but this is no ordinary cleanse. This cleanse is focused on cleaning out your kitchen and getting rid of all the bad stuff. Once you do this, you can start replacing things with foods to help you lose weight.

This 12 week weight loss program is going to be heavily focused on a whole foods diet that looks very similar to a paleo diet approach, because it’s relatively low on carbohydrates and includes a lot of nuts, seeds, and lean meats. To get an idea of this perspective, I recommend reading my Paleo Diet Food List. All of these options can be included in this 12 week weight loss program.

Once your kitchen is clean and you have the basics down, it’s time to get a little more specific about things. I’m going to outline a 12 week weight loss meal plan that’s totally flexible. You’re going to start out by really cutting down on carbs for the first 3 weeks, and over time increasing your protein and fiber intake. You should be eating or snacking once every 3 hours in order to keep your metabolism revved up and burning fat. All of these things will give you great results!

Plus I’m including a number of metabolism boosting super foods to speed up your fat burning potential. Including foods like this is a great way to see faster results.

And it’s flexible, so you don’t need to worry about eating the same food every day.

If you don’t want to think about any of this and just want a full meal plan put together for you then check out my Sexy Flat Abs Meal Plan which has a full 7 day/week meal plan full of clean eating recipes and snacks. Do it now as I have a time limited Promo Code “3030” for you to get an additional 30% off the full package.  I’ll also offer a full money back guarantee so if you don’t get the results you want then you’ll have nothing to lose but that pesky belly fat.

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Let’s get to it…

Weeks 1 to 4

  • Breakfast: 4 egg whites, 1 piece of whole grain toast with all-natural peanut butter, 1 piece of fruit, and 1 cup of green tea or 1 scoop of Magic Matcha Green Tea
  • Mid-Morning Snack: ¼ cup of mixed nuts/seeds of your choice and ¼ cup of either fresh or dried fruit
  • Lunch: spring mix salad or spinach salad with your choice of tuna, salmon, or grilled chicken and 1 tablespoon of low-fat dressing
  • Mid-Afternoon Snack: Your choice of carrots and hummus, fruit and cottage cheese, or mixed nuts/seeds with fruit
  • Dinner: 1 piece of lean meat (chicken, turkey, salmon, tilapia, lean beef) grilled, ½ cup of brown rice, whole grain pasta, or quinoa, ½ cup of steamed or grilled veggies of your choice
  • Evening Snack: Your choice of veggies or fruit with 1 serving of protein (cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, hummus, low-fat yogurt, or low-fat Greek yogurt)

Weeks 5 to 8

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