How to Turn Your Vegetable Scraps into Veggie Chips

20220930_6336520f72abc How to Turn Your Vegetable Scraps into Veggie Chips

We all want to avoid waste wherever possible, food waste included. And vegetables are one of those foods that seem to produce a lot of extra waste since we’re always peeling and trimming them.

Composting is always a great option for getting rid of veggie scraps but it’s unfortunately not a possibility for everyone. Luckily there’s another way you can use up those vegetable scraps– turn them into veggie chips.

First you’ll need to slice the vegetable scraps into into thin chips (if you haven’t already). Then toss them in a small amount of oil (olive oil is the healthiest option). You can add some spices, herbs, or other seasonings along with the oil if you want, for some extra flavor.

Once your veggie scraps are prepared, it’s time to bake, air fry, or even microwave them.

To bake the chips, preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Then spread them out in a single layer on a baking sheet and cook for 10 minutes on both sides.

To create the chips in an air fryer, preheat it to that same temperature. Once the air fryer has warmed up, add the veggie scraps to the basket and cook them for 8 to 11 minutes.

If you’re really strapped for time, spray some parchment paper with cooking spray, lay the chips in a single layer on it, place the paper on a microwave-safe plate or dish, and microwave for 2-6 minutes. The actual cooking time will depend on the vegetables in question and the strength of your microwave; start with 2 minutes and add more time in 1-minute intervals as needed.

Not only will this help you cut down on food waste but it provides you with a healthy (but still tasty and crunchy) alternative to potato chips.

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