FDA issues recall for diabetes app after over 200 reported injuries

The US Food and Drug Administration issued a software recall after a defective diabetes management iPhone app reportedly shut off insulin pumps, injuring at least 224 users. Initially approved by the FDA in February 2022, Tandem Medical Careā€™s t:connect iOS app was the first of its kind to receive regulatory approval. Once downloaded, t:connect works alongside Tandemā€™s t:slim X2 insulin pump by allowing diabetes patients to issue bolus doses of insulin over Bluetooth.

Shortly following the appā€™s 2.7 update in March 2023, however, users began to report premature device shutdowns. Further investigation determined a software bug caused the app to repeatedly crash and relaunch, subsequently draining the actual insulin pumpā€™s battery through Bluetooth communication strains. The t:slim X2 has always notified users of impending shutdowns through low-power alerts and alarms, but at least 224 people still reported complications due to the unexpected pump failures.

On March 27, Tandem issued an ā€œUrgent Medical Device Correctionā€ notice to its customers warning of the defect and explained the problem ā€œcould lead to an under-delivery of insulin and may result in hyperglycemia, including severe hyperglycemia.ā€ Severe hyperglycemia can induce diabetic ketoacidosis requiring hospitalization and emergency medical services. The software patch was also announced at the same time.

The FDA announced the new Class I recall, its ā€œmost seriousā€ type, on Wednesday for version 2.7 of the t:connect iOS app. They also warned that continued use ā€œmay cause serious injuries or death,ā€ although no deaths have so far been reported due to the issue. Tandem has already contacted customers and released an over-the-air 2.7.1 patch that ā€œshould fix the defective software.ā€

To determine their current t:connect version, owners are directed to open the app, click the ā€œSettingā€ icon, then click ā€œAbout.ā€ If necessary, accessing t:connect on the iOS App Store will allow users to manually update the app.

While the new update appears to solve the issue, the FDA and Tandem warn t:slim and t:connect owners to read all system alerts and their phoneā€™s app notifications, as well as make sure their smartphones and medical devices are fully charged before going to sleep at night.

ā€œGiving a meal bolus is now the most common reason a person interacts with their pump, and the ability to do so using a smartphone app offers a convenient and discrete solution,ā€ Tandem Diabetes Care CEO and President John Sheridan said in a statement at the time of t:connectā€™s initial release.

In its App Store ā€œVersion History,ā€ Tandem wrote the 2.7.1 patch was for ā€œOverall app performance updates.ā€

Tandem Diabetes Care has provided the following statement:
Before the FDA recall notice, Tandem implemented a fix for the issue and more than 98% of impacted customers have already updated their devices. Any customers who need assistance with a software update can reach Tandemā€™s Customer Technical Support team 24/7 at 877-801-6901.ā€

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