Feng shui basics: How to fill your home with balance and harmony

Your home is a sacred place. Everything about it and everything in it should give you purpose or joy. Even more, the space you occupy should be a place of recuperation, a launching pad from which you can thrive. In the art of feng shui, you become the master of your own space. The design of your home and the arrangement of your belongings affects you on a subconscious, energetic level. Here are a few tips for creating balance and harmony in your sacred space.

Clear space so you can move about freely

Sure, you want to go home and rest, but maybe you have too much furniture? Evaluate the necessity of large furniture pieces, including couches and tables. Open spaces are opportunities to move about freely. In the open space, you may find more room to play rowdy games with your kids. You may suddenly have room to start an exercise routine or be able to throw a yoga mat down and stretch out.

Break the norm and change the aesthetics of your space

Growing up, you got used to an arrangement of space and belongings that worked for your parents. The arrangement that worked for your family is likely not the default arrangement that you need in your space at this moment in time. Break old customs and norms by envisioning the space you want, not the space you’ve been taught to follow. Your experiences, interests, and desires are unique to you; design a home that features your path.

Pitch obligatory items that do not bring joy

On your quest to create a more joyful living space, evaluate the items in it. It turns out you keep many items just to please other people. Sell, donate, or throw away items that do not contribute to your joy or purpose. (Related: Inspired minimalism: 6 steps to declutter your life.)

Introduce a complimentary color scheme

Color is pleasing to the eye. The right complimentary color scheme can set the tone in any given space. Envision a color scheme for each room in your home. Use accenting colors to integrate pictures and décor together, as one flow. The balance of color can boost the flow of energy in any given space. Every time you enter the space, the color scheme alone can subconsciously make you feel upset or bring you cheer. The design of a room can subliminally bring about feelings of loneliness and dread or feelings of relaxation and vivacity.

Incorporate empowering sensory information

Sensory information plays an important role in our mental and emotional well being. Just as color scheme triggers our brain through our visual sense, so does texture trigger an emotional response through our sense of touch. As mammals, we can easily be aroused by scent and affected by temperature. As feeling human beings, we are affected by the energies we can’t see. Physical items can arouse emotions in us. The people we interact with in our space elicit new judgments and reactions. The placement of items can affect how we organize our thoughts and make decisions. Organization is important, and empowering sensory information can greatly impact your life on a daily basis.

Stop holding on to the past

You should organize your space to accentuate your wishes, your dreams, your love, and your passion. Some items can remind you of grief, of a time you cannot share anymore with a special loved one. Why damage your mental health by holding on to items that remind you of what you cannot experience any longer? Listen to that inner voice and let go of certain things. Some things can arouse certain memories and hold you back in a place you no longer need to be.

Your space is sacred. Your time and energy are important. Make your home a place that restores your soul. Turn your home into a launching pad for making your hopes and dreams a reality.

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