Headaches 101: Major causes and natural cures

Did you know a common side effect of most prescription medications is dehydration? Feeling dizzy or lightheaded? Is your urine dark yellow with a strong smell? It’s probably those evil pharma medications that were made in a laboratory to cover up the symptoms of your bad eating habits and lack of enough clean, filtered water. You may be surprised at the main causes of headaches, and you may be going about curing them all wrong. Here are the top 7 causes of headaches, and some natural cures for you to put to the test yourself.

#1. Prescription medications (including fibromyalgia and depression meds)

#2. Fluoride in tap water

#3. Bleach in foods

#4. Concentrated salts, including MSG, nitrates and nitrites

#5. Not drinking enough water: At par, you should calculate how much water to drink each day based on half your weight converted to ounces. So if you weight 150, drink 75 ounces of water, at least, as a good par measurement. However, if you’re consuming several of the other headache causes on this list, you’ll need more.

#6. Deferred neck and back pain from bad posture and muscle abuse

#7. Aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, triptans, NSAID, plus most addictive pain relievers (opioid-based)

Overuse of headache and pain relievers causes chronic, severe headaches

You’re probably asking “how” right now, as you wonder why the OTC medications you buy for headache relief literally cause headaches, right? One of the biggest medical hoaxes ever perpetrated on Americans is the “take one aspirin a day to prevent heart attacks and strokes” lie. That’s a dangerous guessing game that doctors play. There are NO good ‘candidates’ for aspirin therapy, and one major side effect is chronic, intolerable headaches from overuse (daily use).

Ever heard of rebound headaches? They come from overuse of pain medicine, which is running rampant in America, thanks to MD’s bad advice and opioids being dished out for just about anything to everyone. As your pain reliever wears off, the headache returns even WORSE than it was before. Doctors know this because millions of patients complain about it. Got chronic migraines? It’s the medication you’re taking for chronic migraines that’s making it worse. Let that sink in for a minute.

Nitrates and MSG increase the dilatation of your blood vessels, causing severe headaches. Some prescription drugs for blood pressure literally contain nitrates, causing intolerable migraine headaches. The doctors all know this too, but can’t talk about it, and don’t want to, because they receive very large and illegal kickbacks, ‘spiffs’ and expensive gifts from the pharmaceutical distributors (shilling pharma reps).

Birth control pills, diet pills, menopause prescriptions and erection enhancement medications can all cause chronic and severe headaches, but again, the helpless MD quacks who sling prescriptions all day to pay for their riches won’t mention it.

Bad posture and muscle abuse

Most people have no clue that they have horrible posture throughout the day, while sitting on a chair for hours on end, and even while walking, preparing food, and staring into their smart devices. Believe it or not, your head weighs around 10 to 12 pounds, and it’s supported by 20 muscles that get overworked and abused when you lean forward or over for extended periods of time.

Take a look at yourself right now. Is your head tilted downward, even slightly? If so, your lower back is suffering. So are those 20 muscles that hold your head like that. Referred pain can trick you into thinking your headache has a different cause or source. Pay close attention to this. Chiropractic care can be pivotal for curing chronic headaches and migraines. Start examining your posture at all times throughout the day.

Natural cures for common headaches

Dehydration also fuels inflammation, especially when it comes to arthritis and joint pain increase. Wait, you didn’t know? Up to 80 percent of your joint cartilage consists of water, including the thick lubrication between the joints. Make sure you’re drinking clean, filtered water. Bottled water isn’t always the best idea, as it can contain BPA, PFA’s, fluoride and other chemical contaminants that drive headaches. A great, reliable gravity filter is a Berkey water filtration system for your home.

A recent study done at Washington State University used cannabis treatment for 1300 patients who were suffering from migraines and headaches. The team performed the study because they had heard many testimonials about this natural cure. The remedy cut the severity of headaches and migraines virtually in half. This was done by inhaling cannabis and also using cannabis concentrates (oil).

Tune your internet dial to FoodSupply.news for updates on foods that drive other health ills, besides just horrible headaches, including autism. Visit a naturopathic physician and see if they can recommend more natural remedies and get you off those lab-made poisons as soon as possible.

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