STUDY: Fruit from invasive weed found to prevent skin aging

Gardeners may balk at the sight of weeds in their garden, but researchers have discovered that an invasive weed common in American backyards can help prevent signs of skin aging.

According to one study, cocklebur plant (Xanthium strumarium) fruits can help reduce damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays and hasten up wound healing in lab studies on human cells.

Extracts from cocklebur fruit can also help boost the production of collagen, a protein found in many high-end skincare products that promise to “preserve skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles.”

What is cocklebur?

Cocklebur is a weed native to parts of Asia, Europe and North America. It can be found in moist places such as river banks in agricultural land and other areas.

Cocklebur is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Native American Medicine to treat different health issues, from minor complaints like a stuffy nose and headaches to arthritis and tuberculosis.

Native Americans used to brew cocklebur leaves to make tea for different conditions, such as kidney diseases, arthritis and tuberculosis. The weed was also used to treat health issues like leprosy, malaria and rabies.

The seeds of cocklebur fruit contain carboxyatractyloside, a potent chemical. It can poison and even kill livestock when consumed.

For humans, eating cocklebur can cause mild symptoms like an unpleasant taste and nausea.

Eating prickly cocklebur can also cause serious symptoms, such as:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Low blood sugar
  • Seizures
  • Severe liver injury
  • Vomiting

Even though ingesting parts of the plant causes mild and severe side effects, cocklebur fruit and leaves are often used in traditional medicine.

Cocklebur fruit extracts can be used for skin creams

According to researchers from Myongji University in South Korea, extracts from cocklebur fruit can be used as an ingredient for topical skin creams and other cosmetics.

Eunsu Song, one of the researchers and a doctoral candidate at Myongji University, explained that “cocklebur fruit has the potential to protect the skin and help enhance production of collagen.” Song added that the fruit may have a synergistic effect when combined with other effective compounds, such as hyaluronic acid or retinoic acid, against aging. (Related: Top 6 anti-aging superfoods you can add to your diet.)

For the study, the researchers analyzed the molecular properties of cocklebur fruit extracts and isolated compounds that may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

They also conducted experiments using cells and a 3D tissue model with properties similar to human skin to learn more about how these compounds affect collagen production, wound healing and damage from UVB radiation, particularly the type that causes skin aging, sunburns and skin cancers.

According to the study findings, cocklebur fruits grown in South Korea have slightly more potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and greater wound-healing activity compared to fruits grown in China.

Cocklebur shows promise as a cosmetic agent by increasing collagen synthesis. The researchers added that cocklebur showed negative results with higher concentrations.

Superfoods that help promote skin health

While cocklebur fruit isn’t recommended for human consumption, there are superfoods that you can eat to promote skin health. Here are some great anti-aging superfoods to add to your diet:

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