Prevent Soggy Roasted Veggies with This Surprising Ingredient

20220704_62c2c1ea25290 Prevent Soggy Roasted Veggies with This Surprising Ingredient

You wanted an easy dinner, and popping some veggies in the oven to roast seemed like a great idea . . . until they came out all soggy. Next time, there’s a secret ingredient that can help.

In addition to thickening sauces and gravies, cornstarch can also crisp up your vegetables while they roast, the same way it does with chicken. Who knew it was such a must-have in the kitchen?

Cornstarch has this effect on vegetables because it has such a high percentage of the starch amylose. In fact, it has an even higher content of amylose than potatoes. These starches are what create the crispiness.

Wanna give this a test run? It’s simple.

First, cut or slice your veggies into even pieces so they can be evenly coated. Then, pat your veggies dry—doing so will help the cornstarch stick. Next, mix them with some olive oil, salt, and your seasonings of choice.

Once they’re fully prepped, add one tablespoon of cornstarch for every pound of veggies (adjust accordingly for more or fewer) and give them a toss.

Add them to your roasting pan in a single layer and place them in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Use your usual timeline for roasting depending on the vegetable. When they’re tender inside but crispy outside, they’re ready to go.

If you want to try a meatless Monday, this hack might help ensure those veggies have the perfect texture.

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