This Condiment Could Be the Secret to Perfectly Grilled Meat

20220831_630f05ac5dbf1 This Condiment Could Be the Secret to Perfectly Grilled Meat

We can’t all be grill masters, but we can hack our way to delicious meals. One of the easiest ways for grilling novices to make juicy, flavorful meat might already be in your fridge.

Mayonnaise can keep your grilled meats, including chicken and fish, moist and delicious. Because the condiment is the perfect blend of fat, acid, and salt, it gives meat exactly the flavor it needs. Simply baste it over your food before grilling or allow it to marinate.

The salt, vinegar, and fat in the mayo will add flavor as the meat cooks. It also adds a crispy, yet smooth and creamy texture. Plus, when it’s marinated, a layer forms around the food that seals in juices, despite the high heat of the grill, which prevents the meat from drying out.

On delicate meats, like fish, a coating of mayo is also an easy way to make your grill nonstick. The fat in the condiment prevents your fish from sticking to the grates, so you won’t lose any during the grilling process.

This isn’t the only delicious and creative way to use mayo, though. It might just be the most handy condiment to have in your fridge!

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