Can You Freeze Milk to Make it Last Longer?

20220930_633652d68870b Can You Freeze Milk to Make it Last Longer?

Look, no one ever sets out to let their groceries go to waste, but it happens to all of us from time to time. Freezing food is a great way to save it for a few weeks or even months down the road. 

But what if you have some milk that’s about to go bad? Can it be frozen for later too?

In short, yes. Most types of milk are freezable. Unless it has a high sugar content, like sweetened condensed milk, you should be good to your freeze your milk.

Not only that but it will last up to six months in the freezer. Awesome news, right? But before you run to the kitchen and start shoving milk cartons into your freezer, there are a three things to keep in mind.

First, you’ll need to stash your milk in food storage containers that are both airtight and freezer-safe. Some glass containers may crack or shatter in freezing temperatures, and finding glass shards in food or drink will ruin anyone’s day. And never, ever stick cans of milk in the freezer.

Also, milk will expand as it freezes so don’t fill your freezer containers to the brim. A.k.a. don’t put 12 ounces of milk in a 12-ounce container.

Second, different types of milk will react differently to freezing and thawing. Plant-based milks like almond, soy, or oat milk tend to separate and become grainy after being frozen.

This is less of a risk for dairy-based milks from cows or goats, though you may notice some fat separation. Running frozen milk through the blender (once defrosted) can help to smooth it back out.

Last but not least, be sure to thaw your frozen milk in the fridge. Sticking it on the kitchen counter to defrost, even for a short time, is as good as rolling out the red carpet for bacteria. Don’t thaw it in warm or hot water, either.

As long as you keep these three things in mind, go ahead and freeze your milk if it’s about to expire so it doesn’t go to waste.

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