bulls soundness exams in the Ozarks

Check out these soundness images:

bulls soundness exams in the Ozarks
20191205_5de8b355a4c69 bulls soundness exams in the Ozarks
Image by MUExtension417
Three Bull Breeding Soundness Clinics are scheduled in mid-March at Miller, Cassville, and Aurora veterinary clinics according to Eldon Cole with MU Extension.

Cryptography part II
20191205_5de8b355b539c bulls soundness exams in the Ozarks
Image by lodri
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Bulls unloading for soundness exam
20191205_5de8b355c5f2a bulls soundness exams in the Ozarks
Image by MUExtension417
Hereford bulls unloading for their annual breeding soundness exam at the clinic in Aurora. Photo by Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension.

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