Find your centre

20191130_5de1d68546d3a Find your centre

Let yoga give you the strength you’re looking for

September is National Yoga Month, and there are a miriad of events and new classes to try.

One of our favourites is Ekhart Yoga’s 30:30 challenge – 30 minutes of yoga a day, for 30 days.

Focusing on building strength and improving balance – both inner and outer – within two weeks you’ll notice your body feeling fit and toned, while poses you thought out of your reach suddenly become easier to achieve.

Each day, the programme alternates between core work, balance and a general class, and a different teacher leads each session most days. We love the way founder Esther Ekhart structures her core sessions, seamlessly building on previous classes to make even challenging poses like bird of paradise seem easy.

Don’t worry that its half way through the month – you can still start the challenge, as all of Ekhart Yoga’s programmes are available for viewing again and again. And with almost 1,500 individual classes to choose from, there’s something to suit your every mood.

We sync our phone to the TV to view classes on a big screen, and you can use the handy app to save favourites and download up to 10 classes.

At €12.50 a month it’s one of the cheapest ways to stream yoga classes, and you get the first month for just €1. What’s not to love!

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