Take Our Fitness Challenge To Move More And Feel Better

20191130_5de1d6a541181 Take Our Fitness Challenge To Move More And Feel Better

Some people were born to exercise. They get up at 6 a.m. to get a run in before work, or push through the toughest day to make it to a Bootcamp class because it genuinely helps them feel better.

And then there’s the rest of us.

If motivating yourself into fitness is a challenge, we’re here to help. Because the truth is, exercise is non-negotiable. Being sufficiently active — defined as 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of intense aerobic activity — improves every single measure of health. Not only does it help prevent major chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, getting your body moving actually makes you happier, less stressed and more focused. It can even stave off PMS.

This month, as part of our ongoing HuffPost Lifestyle 30Up challenge series, we’re going to help you get active with our Move More, Feel Better Challenge. We’ll start with basic questions: How much exercise is enough? What’s the best workout for you? Then, we’ll help you get your form just right, with video tutorials on important moves like squats and push ups. You’ll hear from expert trainers, scientists who study exercise’s effect on the body, and from regular lazy exercisers like us.

We’re in this together. Let’s do it!

What is the Move More, Feel Better challenge?

We’re here to help guide you on a transformative journey. Each day for a month, we’ll deliver content related to fitness in the form of daily tips, video tutorials and explainers to get you on the path to a more active lifestyle.

How do I sign up?

You can receive each day’s challenge directly to your inbox via our daily newsletter.

Where can I see previous challenges?

Check out our interactive calendar below, which shows previous challenges and gives you a sneak peek at what’s ahead. The calendar also allows you to add daily tasks in your phone as a reminder.

How else can I follow along?

Follow us on Snapchat (username: HuffPost) and keep up with HuffPost Lifestyle on Facebook for regular updates. We’re also taking the challenge with you and will be blogging about our experiences along the way.

How time consuming are the challenges?

They’re pretty simple! Each challenge is something that should be easy to achieve — one day you might learn how to do the perfect lunge, another day how to be properly hydrate your body. The initiative is designed to fit into your hectic schedule. The overall goal is to make small, positive changes every day that put you on the road to a more healthy lifestyle.

Why should I do this?

Because we’ve all had those moments when we realize that we’re not treating our bodies with the respect they deserve. This challenge is for gym junkies and exercise amateurs alike, so we’ll provide tweaks and tricks that can benefit everyone.

Do I have to do it alone?

No, of course not! In fact, we encourage you to sign up for the challenge with a family member, friend or co-worker.

Are you ready to get active and feel a whole lot better? Let’s get going!

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