Sleep and weight loss

20191130_5de204eb32d15 Sleep and weight loss

Sleep your way to a toned body with top tips from sleep expert, Dr Guy Meadows

You’re eating well and working hard at the gym, but are your body goals falling short? Perhaps you’re not getting the results that you want. While stepping up your exercise regime and cutting down on treats, Bensons for Beds and Dr Guy Meadows show how sleep affects weight management and what steps you can take to help get healthy, fit and lean.


How does sleep affect weight?

Hungry Hormones: “There are two hormones that affect weight, Ghrelin which regulates how hungry we feel and Leptin, which regulates the feeling of fullness. Research demonstrates that after a poor night‘s sleep Ghrelin levels increase, Leptin levels decrease and the desire to eat is increased by 45% above normal levels.”

Reduced willpower: “Sleep-deprived individuals select foods that are on average 9% higher in calories than when in a rested state. Research suggests this could be due to a sleep deprivation induced reduction in willpower.”

Tiredness impacts exercise: “Poor sleep leads to increased tiredness levels and reduced motivation for exercise, which in turn leads to weight gain. Being active can help to manage weight, tire muscles and boost sleep quality.”

Quick fixes: “When tired it’s easy to reach for sugary snacks to keep you going, but this just leaves you feeling worse in the long term. Instead, opt for a breakfast packed with slow-release energy such as porridge with Greek yoghurt or poached eggs with wholemeal toast. Keeping your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day will stop you reaching for that chocolate bar. Choose healthy snacks such apple slices with nut butter instead.”


What can you do to improve your sleep?

Food rules: “Keep your evening meal light and always leave at least two hours between eating and sleeping. A large meal before bed can disrupt sleep quality and increase fat storage.”

Take advantage of power naps: “Nap for no more than 30 minutes for an effective natural boost of daytime energy. Research shows that taking a power nap can increase alertness levels by 100% for up to four hours afterwards, use that extra energy for a long run or fitness class!

Get 7-8 hours: “Research suggests that people who average six hours of sleep per night are 27% more likely to be overweight, and those who average five hours per night are 73% more likely to be overweight than someone who sleeps for 7-8 hours.”

Drink rules: “Limit caffeine to before 2pm and opt for herbal or decaf alternatives after this time. Aim to drink no more than two to three cups of caffeine per day as this can keep you up during the night, leaving you feeling sluggish and minimising your chances of hitting the gym the next day. It should be noted that if people are looking to manage their weight effectively, getting a good night’s sleep should be part of living a healthy balanced lifestyle including eating healthy food and exercising regularly.”


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